Happy mother having fun with her daughter outdoors with border

Hearing Aids

Quality hearing aids in Fort Collins

Happy mother having fun with her daughter outdoors

The Right Hearing Aid for You

We take our time talking to you, so we understand what sounds you want to hear better and what you need from your hearing aids. This means we want to understand your lifestyle, such as where you spend your time, how active you are, and what sounds matter to you the most. Other information regarding your hearing loss will become apparent after we complete your audiological evaluation.

Based on these factors, we can determine what hearing aid technology will be most effective for you. We can also get a sense for what hearing aid style you’ll like best, taking into consideration your personal preferences as well as what your hearing loss requires. We consider:

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Could you hear it?
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Was it clear?
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Was it at the proper level for you?

Your happiness with your hearing aids is our priority, that’s why we always consider what you want. The best hearing aids are the ones you’ll wear. We never want you to leave your hearing aids in a drawer because you don’t like them. Patients almost never return hearing aids to us because we take the time to determine the right style, fit, and programming for your personal needs, so you’re satisfied right away.

hearing aids lineup

Hearing Aid Types

Many of our patients choose hearing aids with more advanced technology, but not everybody needs top-of-the-line hearing devices. We will recommend hearing aids based on what we believe you would like and will go over all your options, so you’ll get excellent sound quality no matter what.

The main difference between more technologically advanced hearing devices and other hearing aids is how precisely we can program them to address your hearing loss. They tend to have even more variables we can tweak to make them work optimally for you. That level of control is great, but it’s not always necessary, and you’ll still get good results with more budget-friendly options. It’s just a question of finding the right hearing aid for you.

Hearing Aid Brands

We have worked with many hearing aids over the years, but we continue partnering with Oticon because they have consistently impressed us with their outstanding technology. They also share our philosophy that hearing is part of the whole person. It’s not just getting you to hear better in a particular situation — it’s about improving every aspect of your life that requires you to hear.

Hearing Aid Technology

Audiology and hearing aid technology is always changing and improving. Ongoing research means improved hearing aids and better standards of care. We work hard to stay on top of these advancements so that we can continue offering the best to our patients.

Recently, we’ve been thrilled to see certain changes that have really made a difference in our patients’ lives. It’s incredible how better hearing aids are than they used to be, and we’re looking forward to seeing what’s on the horizon.

Two of the most remarkable changes are:

Sound quality:

Hearing aids now offer dependable sound that goes much deeper than just whether you can hear something or not. As lovers of sound and music in all its forms, we appreciate being able to give patients a truly beautiful experience beyond just clarity or performance.

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Many hearing aids can connect directly to your phone or wirelessly to other devices. Imagine how convenient and comfortable it is to have your TV, phone calls, or music streamed directly into your hearing aids.

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Featured Technology

Oticon Intent™

Facing the daily challenge of hearing conversations in noisy environments can be difficult for individuals with hearing loss. Traditional hearing aids understand sound, but not you. Oticon Intent™ is the first hearing aid that understands what you want to listen to.

Using revolutionary BrainHearing™ technology, Oticon Intent™ uses your movements, the environment, and the conversation around you to recognize what you want and need to listen to, adapting seamlessly to deliver truly personalized support. With Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable power, Oticon Intent™ offers life-changing benefits.*

Oticon Intent Hearing Aid

Benefits of Oticon Intent™:

Clarity: Hear more clearly, stay more engaged, and enjoy life fully

Confidence: Feel confident in every moment, from navigating the room to talking with a group of friends

Cognition: Helps keep your mind focused, alert, and engaged with what matters most

*Expected use time for rechargeable battery depends on use pattern, active feature set, hearing loss, sound environments, battery age and wireless accessories.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids

While we don’t provide over-the-counter hearing devices, we are more than happy to discuss this option with you. Some patients with minimal hearing loss may benefit somewhat from these devices.

We follow the guidelines provided by the American Academy of Audiology; a hearing test is recommended before pursuing any hearing technology solution.

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