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Hearing FAQs

Frequently asked questions and answers about hearing

Mature woman using phone and laptop to work


You should be educated about your hearing health, that’s why we will always be here to back you up, answer your questions, and support you. If we’ve done our job, you’ll leave our office knowing more than you did before.

We want to improve your hearing so you can experience how wonderful it is. If you ever feel that you need more information, we encourage you to reach out and talk to us about what’s on your mind. Below, we’ve gathered some of the questions we commonly hear from our patients.

We frequently get asked this. Our answer is that you should be taking care of your hearing right now, no matter what age you are. Don’t assume that you only need to pay attention to your hearing when you get older. Your hearing is an important part of your health. Just like getting your teeth cleaned, it’s important to get regular hearing exams. Always wear hearing protection if you’re going to be exposed to loud noises (such as live music or while hunting), and have your hearing checked if anything seems to have changed.

We recommend getting a hearing screening from a few different places to see how you feel while you’re there. You will almost certainly get good technology anywhere that carries modern hearing aids, but the service will be different everywhere. Think of your hearing healthcare as a long-term relationship. Anytime you need help with your hearing or your hearing aids, you will return to that office. You should feel comfortable there, like it’s your home for hearing healthcare.

The only way to absolutely know whether you have hearing loss or not is to have a hearing test (often as part of a full audiological evaluation). Some of the beginning signs of hearing loss include:
  • Asking people to repeat themselves often
  • Struggling to hear children and people with higher pitched voices
  • Difficulty understanding what people say, especially in crowded areas
  • Mishearing words
  • Turning up the volume on your TV or radio
  • Complaints from friends and family members

We may not be able to tell exactly what caused your hearing loss, but after a full hearing exam we can often have a better idea. There are several reasons why you might develop hearing loss, including (but not limited to):

  • Exposure to loud noise
  • As a symptom of aging
  • Illness
  • Cerumen/earwax blockage
  • Head or ear trauma

Not all hearing loss is equally severe, and treatment options vary. Audiologists and hearing professionals categorize hearing loss based on the degree of severity to make it easier to determine how to treat hearing loss. If you’re on the lower end, you may not even find your quality of life significantly affected, while if you have severe hearing loss, you might struggle with everyday life. The four categories we use, measured in decibels (dB), are:

  • Mild hearing loss (26-40 dB HL)
  • Moderate hearing loss (41-70 dB HL)
  • Severe hearing loss (71-90 dB HL)
  • Profound hearing loss (91+ dB HL)

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